What To Do If AirTV Doesn’t Recognize Your Hard Drive “No hard drive connected”

by | Last updated Feb 2, 2024

My AirTV 2 was working great until I decided to test some other hard drives with it. After unplugging my original drive, it refused to recognize any drives, including the original one. It just said “No hard drive connected”, even though it was.

I tried reformatting the drive in various ways, but that didn’t help. After spending hours trying to get the unit to work, I found this solution which does the trick!

How to Make Your AirTV Recognize Drives

I used the Sling iPhone app to do this procedure.

First, click your account icon in the upper right corner of the app.

Account icon in the Sling app
Account icon in the Sling app

Next, click “Local Channels”.

Local Channels option in the Sling app with AirTV
Local Channels option in the Sling app with AirTV

Click “Connected Devices”.

Click “My AirTV”.

Scroll to the bottom and click “Remove AirTV”. This is the key step of the whole process! I wasn’t able to get the unit to recognize the drive without doing this:

Removing an AirTV from your account
Removing an AirTV from your account

Do a factory reset on your AirTV by pushing a paperclip in the RESET hole in the back of the unit (keeping the unit powered on).

AirTV 2 Rear Panel
AirTV 2 Rear Panel

When the unit resets, go through the setup process again, then plug in the drive.

You may need to wait a few minutes for the app to recognize your drive, so don’t panic if it doesn’t work immediately.

That should do it!

How to Avoid this Problem in the Future

To avoid this problem, it might help to eject your drive before disconnecting it (something I definitely didn’t know to do). To eject a drive, follow these steps:

  • Click “DVR” in the bottom menu.
  • Click “AIRTV DVR STORAGE” in the top menu.
AirTV eject hard drive button on app
AirTV eject hard drive button on app


Did this solve the problem for you? Any questions? Please leave a comment below! – Brian

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Brian Shim, DisableMyCable.com

I'm an electrical engineer (BSEE Caltech) with twenty years of experience designing industrial and consumer products, and now a web developer who loves to share ways to save money on TV content, Internet access, and cell phone plans! Read more about me here.

If you liked this article, please sign up for email updates. I'll send you a note when I publish a new article, no more than once a month. Unsubscribe any time. You can also watch my videos on YouTube. - Brian

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8 days ago

I spoke too soon. It all appeared to work. Formatted the drive, was able to schedule a recording. It did not record. Now getting the same error….hard drive not connected. Tried the same process again. All looks good , drive gets formatted and it appears that it’s connected when looking at the airtv DVR display but now I get the error when I try to schedule a recording.

8 days ago

I replaced my AirTV with an Airtv2. (I use with Sling). With the original AirTV I used a Samsung flash drive to record OTA shows. I was never able to get OTA recording to work once I started using Airtv2. Would get an error stating the drive could not formatted. I read one comment that stated Airtv2 did not work with flash drives. Sure enough I deleted airtv2, reinstalled and used an external hard drive, worked just fine.

2 months ago

I had a AirTV for 2 years and a family member got one also. A few months ago both ssd’s had issues and I tried the steps above except I didn’t eject the hard drives first. Now they won’t recognize until I unplug the drive and then it says it needs to be formatted.
I can still see all the programs on the drive but can’t play or delete them. I’ve bought other drives to try that were on the official approved list from sling but no luck. All I can do is watch live TV. I have the older AirTV box and my family member has AirTV2. Both were working but stopped now( sounds like a hardware upgrade gone wrong).
I have reset and removed/added/multiple times over many weeks on both systems. I have dropped sling to go with youtubetv until I can ever get it fixed.

It seems the system has some memory from the DVR that needs to be reset that the reset button doesn’t fully reset. I don’t know how to recover from not ejecting the AirTV drives but it seems that was my main issue now.

Dennis Roliff
Dennis Roliff
2 months ago

Hello Brian,

Thanks for this fix tutorial. I am in the process of cutting the cord ( Spectrum ). I’ve got T-Mobile Home Internet ( which is consistently giving me 3x the download speed and 6x the upload speed as did my Spectrum internet, according to the Speedtest app ) along with the Sling Orange plan.

I don’t watch much local network ( ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC ) content except for NBC. But I did want the option of having those channels available and conveniently integrated into the Sling channel guide interface. So I purchased an AirTV 2 and a Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro indoor antenna ( after doing much research on the best indoor antenna available ).

The process for finding just the right spot on a particular wall or window in my 1 bedroom apartment was a chore but finally found it and mounted the Mohu antenna. One suggestion that I have for folks who get this antenna is, don’t use their supplied coaxial cable. Go out to Lowe’s or Home Depot and get a quad shielded coaxial cable with copper fittings. It made ALL the difference in getting the strongest OTA signal.

I had an extra Samsung 860 EVO 1 TB SSD that I wasn’t using (I formatted in ExFAT). I bought an OWC Express enclosure for it and plugged the BUS powered drive into my Air TV 2 ( which had already been set up. As most people who have come to this page experienced, I was getting a ‘Hard Drive Not Connected’ message. I tried several fixes as others have in this comment section. I even experienced a ‘Formatting Hard Drive ~ this may take a few minutes, do not unplug the device’ message which ultimately never went away ( as someone else in this comment section experienced as well).

Ultimately, I tried your fix and, after plugging in my OWC encased Samsung SSD har drive via USB 3 connection and waiting a few minutes……. voila!!! The Air TV 2 device recognized the hard drive. I clicked on the ‘Format Hard Drive’ button and the drive successfully formatted. I now have 150 hours of hd space in which to DVR my OTC channels.

Thanks for this information. I will def subscribe to your website and YouTube channel.

Hopefully, my info will help some other folks who are getting ready to cut the cord.



Tony Mumford
Tony Mumford
4 months ago

Thanks for the tutorial. I’ve been working on mine on and off for about 3 days now since my hdd went bad, and it finally seems to be working with the new hdd. I had done everything you said to do already, including the factory reset and removing and adding the AirTV2 back again, but not sure I did everything in the exact order you had. Biggest issue I had besides the hdd not picking up was the Sling app freezing up after scanning the channels. Tried a tablet and phone (both Androids). Had to unplug the box and plug back in to unfreeze it. Finally got it to take, just hope it stays that way. They have some kind of issue going on, either with firmware, the Sling app or both. I haven’t looked my hdd up to see if it was one of the supported models, but I don’t think the model of hdd had anything to do with it because I had a Seagate ext drive SRD00F1 that has worked on this AirTV2 ever since I got it over a year ago, and I replaced it with an identical drive. I was about to the point of going to find my old original AirTV that I still have and seeing if I could get it to work again.

4 months ago

Brian can you tell us what the latest firmware version is on your Airtv 2?

Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson
5 months ago

I tried your suggestion 5 times and it still will not work. If I unplug the drive it pops up and says it needs to be formatted, I plug it back in and click on format and it just sits there not doing anything. I leave it for an hour and it still says formatting hard drive. I have tried multiple hard drives and still will not work.

roxana benavides
roxana benavides
5 months ago

I was not looking to use a hard drive, just to hook up my airtv. I had tried everything but your advice that made the difference was the removing of airtv and the reset. Boom. works after hours trying on my own.

roxana benavides
roxana benavides
5 months ago
Reply to  Brian Shim

Spoke too soon. Got it to work but only for 30 seconds and it started buffering and then went offline. But I was happy for 30 seconds. I have tried off and on for a couple of years. Even thought my first one was bad and bought another one. But thank you, you still gave good advice but my house does not like airtv I guess.
Thank you again.

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